Inspired by Gerhard Richter
One interesting piece I recently saw was a bunch of colorful rectangles by Gerhard Richter . This seemed like an easy piece to tackle first. An example image is above and the Matlab code used to create it is linked below. richter_rectangles_basic.m - This is a basic Matlab file that will draw sets of rectangle with random (or fixed) coloration. Number, sizing, spacing, color, and transparency can be modified. richter_rectangles_intermediate.m - This is a intermediate Matlab file building on the basic example. A function is used to draw the image so that parameters can easily be changed. The full colormap can be provided so that a specific image can be rendered. richter_rectangles.m - This is a bit more advanced Matlab file. Different modes are available. The function can be run in a loop. An interactive mode can be used to save or print to file nicer versions of the image. JPG images are lossy, so PNG or PDF sho...