This is another Fall 2021 student project, this time inspired by Yaacov Agam . Two images are created then sliced and combined to make a single image. The two source images for the image above are included below. Yaacov_Agam.m - Generates two random images, prints them to file, reloads the images for slicing and recombination. There may be a cleaner way to do this in MATLAB. Credit to Marie Burns. She initially had it all working with some MATLAB gui code I had never seen before for making copies of graphics object using the function copyobj. However, she pushed their code too far and exposed some limitations for copying large numbers of objects that we could not figure a fix for. I helped her with a kludgy fix: export the two images to file, read them back in, then chop them up and export a new image. To get higher resolution, the initial images are magnified before exporting.